Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Positive or evap

Showed up right away and darkened in a ten min time frame.


You guys see this right??

Am I crazy here or is this positive ?


First day of my period missed - negative test did it happened to you

Photo in comments. I'm so sad 😞


Positive ?

Not sure if this is a error or not .. the line has color to it


Chemical pregnancy question

I had 2 positive tests 12 DPO and another positive 13DPO. However on the day my period was due I had negative tests for the next 2 days. I have accepted that I have had a chemical pregnancy however I don’t know how to move forward now with ttc. My period is now one day late and I am having horrendous pains. Online ...


Negative? 9dpo am

Should I consider myself out af arriving on 2nd March


Soooo…. I think I’m pregnant

I’m due on my period in 3 days and I took 2 tests both have a faint positive line..: I’m FREAKING OUTTT Pregnancy and having a toddler? What’s it like?



What do you think it’s positive? 4 months past postmortem 😁didn’t want soon🥴


chemical pregnancy

hi mamas- has anyone ever had a chemical pregnancy? i started bleeding yesterday a WEEK before i was supposed to get my period. at first i thought it could be implantation bleeding but it’s gotten heavier, more period like. i took a pregnancy test and google says you can have a chemical pregnancy and have a negativ...


Am I seeing things

I took this as a joke and I feel like I can see a positive


Evap line or positive?

I have had 4 tests in a row with a line like this, thinking they were positive. All other tests were negative, is this an evap line? X


Positive or evap?

Help me I can’t believe this…is this positive or evap


As of today my period is 5 days late! I have been testing with morning urine & still getting negatives. I have a very regular normal cycle so could I still be pregnant or did my cycle change, or is it a hormonal imbalance?

I’m using an app. That says I ovulated on Feb. 6. So Im definitely like 18dpo so I shud be getting a positive if I was pregnant by now; Im jus so confused cuz I haven’t gotten my period yet & it comes on time every month! Bt I can’t be pregnant cuz I keep getting very negative test & it’s been days past ovulation & ...


Do you see a vvfl or line eyes??

Can you see a very faint positive or do I just have line eyes? I’m a 8dpo and this photo was taken within the testing timeframe. Been trying for months so don’t want to get my hopes up too much.


Late or pregnant?

Posting on feb 25 Tested until 12 dpo and got negatives. That was 5 days ago. I was supposed to start my period on Feb 23 or 24 (sometimes it’s a day late) but haven’t spotted or anything. Has anyone gotten blaring negatives until after period was due? I’m using easy @ home strip tests.


Faint positive or evaporation line

I’m due on my period today, I’m very rarely late so decided to take a test around 10:30 this morning, I completely forgot to check it until 1.5 hours later and came back to this…do you all think it’s a faint positive or evaporation line? Pic in comments


Help 😭

Ive had 3 positive tests over the last 2 days including a digital but today it’s negative 😔 what does this mean?



I can see a line on the first response but nothing on a clearblue 6 day early


Am I pregnant

Hey Mamas! I have been take pregnancy test for 3 days now because I am so confused! Before I even begin I do have an appointment scheduled this week to confirm or deny pregnancy… okay now that I’ve said that I have been overly emotional for about a week now. I had what I think is my period on February 12th and it en...


Early Pregnancy

Hey! So I had this feeling I was pregnant and I took a pregnancy test Saturday but nothing came up. So yesterday (Sunday) I bought one of those clear blue early tests and at first nothing came up so I just forgot about it and put it in my bag. So this morning I was going through my bag to find my car keys for work a...


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