Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Ovulation.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over a year. I’m so sick of these ovulation tests. After my cycle, I started testing immediately. One day I got a smiley face on the digital test, but the little blue stick barely showed two lines for LH. Tonight, I did a digital test as well as the little blue stick...
Hey ladies, I haven’t had a dark ovulation test before so have I finally caught my peak?
This is my first month ttc and I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to ovulation strips! How does this look?? I found the app a little confusing since it has changed what days my fertile window is everyday I’ve tested. Is this my peak?? Or?? Any insight would be great!
I’m 8 dpo and my LH test has a faint line. Does anyone know what it means? Tell me your experience as I tested out of curiosity. I know pregnancy test is still too early to test. I’ve heard that LH hormone is always in the body and I also have heard that the test line usually disappears after ovulation. Share you...
My period length has been 26 for the last few periods I’ve had. Last month I really felt like I knew I was ovulating as had heavy discharge etc, however today is day 12 of my cycle so going by the length of the last few cycles would mean I’m at my highest fertility today. However I don’t feel any different? No disch...
Does anyone else have slow LH rising. I feel like this month my LH levels are just not going up! I normally ovulate around CD15
I can't tell.... I get so confused with all these different tests
I tested to early but I’m going to wait until a few more days I have pcos so I don’t know when my big O was and I don’t know when my next period is i just want my baby and healthy baby and pregnancy
Can pregnancy test pick up ovulation at its peak???
Ignore the green one as that's ovulation just to see where lines would be but can anyone see faint lines on the other 2?
So I have PCOS and I feel like I’m getting overexcited for no reason right? So my progesterone in December was 0.1 and then jumped to 9.2 this January after I’ve been taking a medication my dr gave me for ovulation. I had sex all three ovulation days but I don’t feel pregnant so am I just overthinking?
Don’t want to think into this too much but last month I was so sure i’d hit my ovulation/sex right. I couldn’t test all day yesterday as I was out but got a peak in the evening.. In comments are days we had sex. Have I missed my chance? Or shall we keep having sex for the next few days?
When would you say I ovulated the peak one, we have been trying since October and no luck so far it’s so difficult trying to keep positive but I keep having negative tests and it’s just so hard :( we have been using vitamins and lubricant and nothing is working.
Sooo I’ve just started my TTC journey since getting my implant removed at the beginning of the year. My periods have always been super heavy which is why I went onto the implant at 13 years old. I’m now 26. But we basically started to do the BD because my sex drive increased rapidly once removed and around 8/10 days...
I used OPK to track my ovulation, I’m 11DPO (1am) today and my Flo app says “it’s time for a pregnancy test, period 1 day late” so if I’m actually 1 day late that would make my luteal phase 10-11 days no? And it is a short time for implantation no? Am I missing something? I was taking pregnancy test starting fro...
Hey guys, looking for some similar stories or reassurance. 12/12 - LMP 12/24 - ovulation per BBT 12/25 - sex but we pulled out 12/30 - another BBT dip, but app didn’t register as ovulation 12/1 - sex, did not pull out 1/9 - Missed Period but Negative Tests 1/13- Finally got a Positive Test (seemed pretty late t...
I’ve never been able to track my ovulation I want to know if I’m ovulating based on these results. Does anyone understand how this works? Thank you in advance ❤️❤️
What are the chances of me getting pregnant? We had sex on the 16th. I’m still waiting for my period but I have Pcos. This is probably the first month in a long time where I have no idea what’s going on with my body
I’m having some very obvious sharp pains in the right side of my tummy and lots of CM. Just took this test. Will I have ovulated today?
Does it look like I could have peaked the morning of 1/21 ? I have always gotten a peak LH and typically it is around day 15 of cycle. Never had to do an AM test before but I might have to start? I’m wondering because the app is trying to tell me I’m 6dpo based on prediction. I think I missed the peak on 1/21 AM and...