@Eviee I have said that to him. My son usually listens, but sometimes he will ask why he has to if Daddy doesn't have to before doing what asked. Which is valid. But he acts like he understands why he needs to learn these things after I explain it to him. My husband's the problem, not my son.
I didn’t say your son was the problem. I said you should tell him the truth lol. You condone your husband’s behavior, if you’ve already had multiple conversations with him about it and he doesn’t respect you enough to understand where you’re coming from and follow through with it then how long are you going to put up with it? You can’t “train” a man, he hears you and just does it. And the fact that your son is seeing that behavior from him and I’m sure he knows the questions his son is asking and yet he still doesn’t change his behavior? Sit him down and have a serious talk with him or just deal with that fact you have to be a parent to a grown child.
Tell him you aren’t his mother as well 🙈 I told my partner last night his washing goes in the wash basket instead of floor luckily I think he got the hint x
I’d sit him down and explain it’s a respect thing. If that doesn’t work, Pick up after him but instead of putting it away. Put it on his side of the bed so he has to deal with it inorder to go to sleep. If he puts it in the floor, put it right back every morning after he leaves for work. When he eventually gets mad, remind him respect works both ways. Some can only treat you how you let them. You have the power.
Oh girl me. I grab my man to his mess and ask him to clean it especially if he ain’t doing anything and is capable of. He works and pays the bills so I clean but I made sure he knows I ain’t no maid! I’ll tell you this. Grab all that stuff he keeps laying around and put it on his side of the bed and you get real comfy in bed or leave the room and let him see it for himself and if he asks why you did that express to him you aren’t a maid and if he is capable of doing some cleaning for himself he needs to do it. If he don’t get the point keep putting the trash on his side of the bed and in his car. He gone learn
As long as you keep doing this stuff he isn't going to. Don't organize his closet. Don't wash his clothes. Don't cook his food. And then you have to have a conversation about what needs to change and what he needs to do, and if he doesn't do it then you have to start thinking if its worth it.
You tell your son the truth. He wasn’t taught to and refuses to learn how to.