Post partum experience…

Nobody talks much about how hard it is to deal with the sleepless nights, baby blues, dad having to go to work and spending all day with a baby… Unfortunately, my baby won’t latch onto my breast (17 days old) so I need to express my milk ( as I want to give breast milk) prepare bottles, feed, change nappies, and all over again… When do I have the time to rest? 😭😭 Colics arrived and baby cries ALL night… bless her 😞 it hursts my heart and soul… My breast hurts, A LOT! It might be an obstruction or something… Honestly, having my baby is the best thing I have ever done 🤍 but it is so hard… If you feel like me… it’d be great to know that I’m not alone…
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It’s definitely not going to be easy but it will get better! I’m currently 7 days pp and finally getting the hang of things, especially getting everything ready for the night. I’m bottle feeding so need bottles ready, formula scooped out into pots so it’s easier, hot water flask ready etc and make sure nappies and stocked up so I don’t have to get out of bed. Luckily for me the nights have been easy, apart from last night I think she was a little cold and wouldn’t really settle for long but as soon as we held her she was sound - will definitely leave the heating on for longer tonight and wrap her up. My partner is self employed and went back to work as normal on Monday (he’s out the house 7am - 4/5pm), I’ve had my mum round this week who has very kindly cleaned my house top to bottom🥹 and a great MIL who lives down the road to help whenever I call. Even with all that I’m still struggling emotionally and have such up and down feeling I just want to cry at the most random stuff😂

Awwww, you definitely aren't alone! I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. Try a warm compress just before you express to relax your muscles & milk ducts & help with letdown. Mine hurt like hell too the first couple of weeks. I honestly think it's a combination of our breasts filling with milk & pur babies latching on. If it makes you feel any better, I'm 12 weeks PP today & I STILL have a tough time. Getting baby boy on a sleep schedule while being sleep deprived myself is challenging. Not to mention Husband being gone at work most of the time, so it's normally just me & baby. I'm home EVERYDAY. I'm not used to being a SAHM. I mean I like the peace of it but it gets annoying sometimes being here ALLL day. I'm tired all the time, I'm juggling my munchkin AND my 7 yr old that I have to get up at 6 am every morning for school. It'll get easier, for the both of us. Hang in there, keep your head up & give yourself grace. You got this💪🏽😊 & you are definitely NOT alone.

You are not alone! I feel every bit of this Veronica! It’s so so hard. I do genuinely feel like I’m losing my mind. I count down the minutes til my partner comes home… and if he comes home late etc I just cry. I don’t want to hate this but sometimes in the moment, I do ,,

I feel you, even more anxious this time with a nearly 18 months old and baby and also having to breastfeed and express this time. Every time I think about my husband going back to work next week I start crying 🥺. The only comfort is that I know this time around that this is temporary and life will get better. Hang in there 💝

I’m having breastfeeding issues too (little boy is 6 days old) have you contacted infant feeding support from the hospital? My hospital gave me some phone numbers to call like local community groups and I’m being seen this week so it might be something to look into. My boy might have a posterior tongue turned is preventing him from latching so definitely get support if you can. I have been struggling to pump and washing and sterilising the bottles and the pump is SO long and exhausting! Everything makes me cry (especially when I don’t express enough milk or my boobs get sore) but I just try to be grateful for the little things. You are not alone ❤️ xx

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