@Brittany Holiad yea he only seems to do it when initially latching as if he doesn’t know how to latch without that initial bite down, that’s why I’m not sure what to do.
I would still try unlatching and waiting while saying ouch. My guy was the same way and had stopped biting. His little teeth do cause from friction on the nipples but it's not biting anymore as much as they're just there and my skin has to get used to that.
Do you have a strong or weak let down? They could be trying to control the flow or try to get more at the start.
@Karen I have a strong let down but he never bit down before having teeth, he just doesn’t almost like he just thinks he has to bite in order to grab the boob. I stopped breastfeeding my first before he had teeth so didn’t go thru this with him 😂
I say ouch and unlatch for a few minutes. It's hard but let him cry a bit to get him to realize it's not a good association. They quickly learn biting leads to no more boob!