Hiya! Second time mum here! I would try not to research/ google too much- a lot of the time it scaremongers you and doesn’t help! All babies are different as well - comparison is the thief of joy, some will have easier babies and harder toddlers some will have harder babies and easy toddlers etc, all children are different. I’d try and focus on the fact that the first three months are referred to as the “fourth trimester”- babies are born earlier than they should be because of the size of their head needing to come out of mums body but they’d actually like to be in the womb another 3 months! All you can do during this time really is try to empathise with what it must be like being curled up and cosy inside mums tummy and now suddenly having to navigate the outside world! I’d work on finding what helps soothe your baby eg mine responds well to a tummy rub once I lay her down and helps her to relax and fall asleep. Set in place a small but flexible routine for bed time
Eg Bath, low lights, clean pjamas etc small things that signal bed time. Putting these small consistencies in place help babies learn to know what’s coming next, they like predictability. Try and make sure you have coping mechanisms for when it’s a really really tough day - it’s always okay to step away and give yourself a few mins as long as baby is put in a safe place! It’s super hard especially with sleep deprivation but I do promise you you will soon look at the new born days as a distant memory it does pass so fast x
I struggled with the newborn phase with my first. It’s the least enjoyable part to me in all honesty. I believe 6-8 weeks is usually the peak of fussiness and crying etc. It’s easier this time as I have perspective and am more confident. The toddler stages for me have been incredible! With my first it started getting a bit easier by 3 months (end of fourth trimester), definitely easier and more enjoyable by 6 months. After 10 months he started walking and sleeping through consistently, then it was great! Don’t worry about routines and wake windows at the moment, just go with the flow. You can do all that later when they get into more of a predictable routine xx
I was the same as you when I had my baby girl, I googled everything and about 3 weeks in I stopped and I enjoyed it so much more. Having a baby is hard, you have to go with your baby and work out what they need and what they like, for me it got easier around 8 weeks but that was because we knew each other better not necessarily because she was sleeping more. Enjoy having your baby and don't worry about anyone else. Especially sleep, I felt like a bad mum because she wasn't sleeping through then I went to some baby groups and realised in the real world most babies don't sleep through ! Hope that helps xx
I’m sorry for what you’re going through! It feels heavy I know. All my trauma came back at once during pregnancy and soon after birth of my son. I gained 30kg as I kept eating for comfort. I regret for not getting professional help. But in time it got better and better and now we are fine! It was hard with no support from family but me and my husband should be proud of how we got through it. If you have family close by ask for support and also consider getting professional help for post partum. Good luck!
With my first I really liked the huckleberry app to help me track and understand wake windows, maybe worth looking into! It’s a massive life change and can be very overwhelming. I hope it gets better soon for you xx
Sorry you’re struggling, it is super hard, don’t be hard on yourself. It’s a massive adjustment and no one really tells you how much of a shock to the system it is. Personally I didn’t enjoy newborn stage, I found it a lot easier after approx. 8 months, and definitely after a year. However at the moment your hormones will also be all over the place which will be causing you to feel worse. I really wouldn’t worry about wake windows or routine at this age, it’s almost impossible to get any structure now! Second Huckleberry though, it was great for helping and tracking feeds/nappies/sleep x
Second time mum here. I struggled with my first.. such a big change and I didn't enjoy the new born phase at all.. there's not much you can do.. you can try and help day/night confusion etc but tbh they don't get into a routine until maybe 3 months. My advice is have a nap when you can to help the sleep deprivation. Be kind to yourself. Ask for help. Speak to someone if you're struggling mentally. I promise it gets easier.. my second is harder but weirdly I'm coping so much better because I know it ends. I promise you're not alone.. I've been there. ❤️
Just a little tip I've found really helps me 1 week into motherhood - in the night when she's up screaming/crying I put my headphones in and put music or something on really loud so I can't hear her. It puts me in such a better mind space after a couple minutes and just gives you a bit of a break from the noise. I know it doesn't help with the sleep deprivation necessarily but it might take the edge off
For me it got easier at three months which is her age now (she has really strong longs and a veryyyy loud cry when she’s tired 😭🤣) but there’s still days like today where I have a little cry when she’s being difficult to put down for a nap etc but she sleeps longer now and I’ve learnt her queues better so I know when she tired hungry uncomfortable etc. I wouldn’t stress too much about wake windows and routines in the beginning they’re still adjusting to being in the world and your adjusting as well