Engaged doesn’t mean labour is near just incase you didn’t know x
My first baby was really low for weeks. Midwives kept saying I wouldn't make my due date. She was 10 days overdue 😅 so definitely not a guarantee but every baby is different! X
@Mary I have low pappa-a hormone which can be associated with earlier births and smaller babies. The deficiency isn’t severe and so far up until recently hasn’t affected baby at all x
@Natalya thank you as I really just didn’t know x
@Rachel aww bless, yeah I just wasn’t sure but I know ultimately I’m working to babies own timeline and he will come when he feels ready to 😊
I’m not sure but I’m very similar to you 35.5w and baby was partially engaged at my last appt in the same position and also reduced movements! When you say there’s always been a chance he could come early is that for some other reason?